Penn, Kimberly & Kael Owens

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What happened to the Owens Family?

Well...we decided to join the 21st century and get the internet so here we are, alive and very well. We have just been enjoying the beauty in Park City. Over Memorial weekend we went camping down in Snow Canyon with friends from our old ward, the Douglas ward. So much fun, Kael didn't want to leave. Looks like we will be doing a lot more camping this summer. Kael is 20 months and getting bigger by the hour. I have been working at Gymboree outlet 1-2 nights a week since Feb. so you all need to come and shop and see me. Penn and I took a much needed vacation to the Western Carribean, that was three years in the making. This is our first summer off in three years so it is going to be very much enjoyed. We will now be able to blog more than twice a year, it's exciting.